

Life is all about the Lordship of Jesus and His supremacy over all things. I am mostly overwhelmed by His redemptive sacrifice for the soul of mankind. I have experienced Him in the deepest of valleys, in the deepest of waters. Through the most fiery furnace I have been refined by His grace. I have also seen Him on the highest mountain and He remains the same. He is everything to me.

My life is committed to pleasing Him. I cannot disappoint Him. I must take everyday as though it is the last and give my all. My reasonable sacrifice must reach Him as a sweet smelling savour. This is my daily thought. He is my lover and I am His lover. I yearn for Him. I am in need of Him and constantly thirst for Him; I seek His face daily.

“I am a follower of Christ and a child of God. A total expression and reflection of closet experiences of, in and with God Almighty.”

I have created a connoisseur of music, but not at the expense of the Holy Ghost, my personal worship leader.

I can be straightforward, frank, plain-spoken, candid, direct, blunt, to the point, forthright, unequivocal, point-blank, unceremonious, undiplomatic, indelicate and friendly individual. All in all I am a work-in-progress. Smiles..

His mind per time fuels my voice(message) and passion to see His kingdom come in all I’m involved in.



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